Thursday 20 November 2008

What Lies Beneath

  • It opens with what looks like a dark lake which is rippling in the wind - non-diegetic music of string instruments playing - eery.
  • Diagonal wipe from top left corner to bottom right corner as a screen transition. It reveals the production companies in white writing, this is against the dark background of the lake.
  • Twentieth Century Fox and Dreamworks Pictures - production companies.
  • Another screen transition - diagonal wipe from top left corner to bottom right corner to wipe off writing and show the background fully again.
  • Image Movers production - there may be diegetic sound of the lake rippling however it is hard to tell.
  • Non-diegetic music each time the writing is revealed - wind effect, also sounds like when someone breaths under water or something has been submerged.
  • Eery - wipe across screen (screen transition) is like a ghost flickering past the screen.
  • Piano and strings - mysterious - chilling feeling.
  • Title dissolves in and is written in ripples in the water. - suggests the water/lake is an important part of the storyline.
  • Very small amount of percussion.
  • Lake rippling dissolves into next clip - which is of underneath the water - suggested by the algi/weeds - the water is very dark - a ray of sunlight/moonlight is revealing parts of what is in front of us.
  • String music - tension building.
  • Audience may question whether something was in there - a flicker - shadow revealed by the light as camera pans forward.
  • Ghostly.
  • At the end of the darkness and weeds - there is a dead looking girl in the water - very pale, dark around the eyes, dark hair - contrasting colours. - dissolves in from weeds.
  • Build up in non-diegetic music - tense - then cut to woman's face emerging from being underwater in a bath.
  • Close-up.
  • Cut to long shot - slowly zooming in on woman sitting in bath coughing/spluttering - like she had nearly drowned - suggests drowning is significant to the storyline.
  • Cut to hairdryer - woman holding it - camera follows the movement of hairdryer - pans up - woman drying condensation off the mirror in the bathroom.
  • Sharp cut to plug socket - she puts her thumb on it.
  • Gets a shock - diegetic sound of electric shock/spark - it's emphasised.
  • Quickly cut to reaction shot of woman.
  • Camera pans across - woman able to dry mirror - get rid of condensation.
  • The opening of the film - 2.42 mins long.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Some very close analysis in these entries, Charlotte. Use of media terms is well applied and is helping to demonstrate a sound understanding overall. Very well focused research.