Wednesday 19 November 2008


  • Columbia, Dark castle entertainment.
  • Non-diegetic sound - eery - violin/strings.
  • Darkened picture of production companies.
  • Dissolve into title sequence.
  • Columbia pictures and Warner Brothers pictures - 'zoom out' effect - blurred white font - next title out of focus (close-up) then zooms out and is in focus - on a black background.
  • Main actress' name (Halle Berry) - then title (Gothika).
  • Non-diegetic sound of girl talking/whispering (husky voice) - then title dissolves into clip of the girl who's talking - the sound is now diegetic.
  • Low-key lighting - shadow on one side of face - she's very pale as well.
  • Her hair is ruffled, eyes look puffy - made to look ghostly/deadly/insane.
  • Point of view from patient of the main actress - presented as neat, professional looking - hair slightly up and away from face - emphasises that she's a professional and at work.
  • There is then point of view - reverse shot then it cuts again to the doctor.
  • Diegetic sound of patient still talking but they aren't seen in the clip. - could be non-diegetic though.
  • Panning shot behind wired fence - this suggests that the patient feels trapped.
  • Shot still behind wired fence while the patient is talking about her step-father, this suggests she feels like he's trapping her.
  • Over the shoulder shot.
  • Non-diegetic sound - very faint string music.
  • Diegetic sound of gates being buzzed open - psychiatric hospital.
  • Girl is talking peacefully - then has a sudden outburst - non-diegetic electrical/electro sound to emphasise the situation and make the audience feel tense.
  • Non-diegetic - eery slow music - only a few notes - could be an organ playing.
  • Patient grabs doctors hands.
  • Camera movement speeds up - pans 180 degrees - e the back of doctors head and see patient. The shot starts with the patients face lit and then after the 180 degree pan her face has a shadow on it. - this suggests she has a dark side or is experiencing dark things - the light and dark on her each half of her face - contrasting - two sides - good and evil.
  • When backng away the whole of her face is in darkness - something evil may have taken over her/taken over her mind/her dark side is out.
  • She's taken away by guards - she's screaming.
  • Main characer/actress walks away.
  • Other actors names appear on screen - dissolve and zooming out then dissolve.
  • Tracking shot of character.
  • Non-diegetic music - piano and strings - eery - mysterious.
  • Depth of field shot - patient screaming and gets put in a cell - then switches focus to the doctor walking in the foreground.
  • Tracking/panning shot of character walking.
  • Job has been confirmed by shot of sign when she walks through security - it has been established all the way through this opening sequence. - She's a psychologis/psychiatrist.
  • People in orange jump suits.
  • Director - last to be revealed in the title sequence.

This is a strong psychological thriller opening because of the use of non-diegetic music which builds up suspense and tension. Also the use of low-key lighting throughout, and the use of camera shots and where it is placed, for example behind wire fencing.

1 comment:

TomBee :) said...

This is a good, detailed account of the opening sequence charli, nice use of media terms as well. xx