Thursday 13 November 2008

The Interpretor

  • At first the title sequence is quite slow.
  • Titles are stopped in the prologue - this way they don't disrupt the narrative.
  • Film company/distribution company first - Universal studios.
  • 4 different production companies working together to make the film.
  • Non-diegetic sound of wind blowing in the title sequence - makes you feel uneasy / unsure.
  • Names zooming out - effect - then dissolving.
  • Prologue
  • Establishing the setting - Africa - traditional women - carrying things on her head - hazy shot - lost of dust - hot
  • later in shot camera crane is used - establishing place.
  • low-key lighting
  • Chanting - not clear if it is non-diegetic or diegetic.
  • 3 characters established.
  • Cut in detail - shows notebook - shows being put down - suggests it's important and might come back later.
  • Cut to exterior shot.
  • Close up of each character speaking, shot, reverse-shot. - dialogue - not sure what they're talking about.
  • In back with character - suggests investigation - mass slaughter.
  • Artificial camera snap sound to heighten the fact pictures being taken - black and white still shot of picture taken, very loud camera snap (non-diegetic) - important to narrative.
  • low-angle shot - makes the coliseum seem important, bigger - there are weeds growing suggesting its abandoned, run down, mysterious, remote place.
  • Establishing s of jeep.
  • Cut in to action - reminded of notebook - suggested as important
  • Silhouette form - shot in doorway.
  • Heartbeat - non-diegetic because it is emphasising the hearts of the characters.
  • very fast pace shots - shot, reverse-shot, overhead shot - non-diegetic sound builds up tension.
  • long-shot, medium close-up (interpretation)
  • Tension between groups (not sure why)
  • Jump forward in time- about 30 secs
  • camera work, low-key lighting and character reactions suggests they are stumbling across something revolting - assume its dead bodies - theres also talk of death
  • panning shot and cutting back for reaction shot.
  • non-diegetic - soundtrack build up tension.
  • Percussion is used - thumping sound - falls to ground
  • He says "It's ok" before falling - which implies he doesn't blame them because they are only children.
  • Cut to reaction of man outside from the gunshot
  • Cutting from kid to man on the floor.
  • Blood/gore isn't shown - cuts away as gun-shot sounds - see kid wincing as trigger is pulled.
  • Quick pace of shots - to outside.
  • Cutting between car and the man in weeds.
  • Close-up of man getting out of the car - camera shots - sound - suggests he will come back later - he was at the scene - important to story.
  • Cuts to the kids football - ironic - they are only kids who play they cant be murderers - makes audience not blame the children for what they did.
  • Dissolves into establishing shot of the city.
  • Lead actress name appears first. - Nicole Kidman. - followed by other actors then name of film in center the screen.
  • Panning shot of people in the auditorium in the UN building in NYC.
  • The full auditorium is a contrast to the empty coliseum.
  • Static shots, pan up, then across and then there is a profile shot of Nicole Kidman lead actress - interpreting - there are inside and outside shots. (of the pod she is in)
  • Metal detectors not working, being shown things that might be important later - however not shown everything - mysterious.
  • There are clues
  • Fast pace shots
  • Non-diegetic sound building tension.
  • Name of crew - slightly left of the centre - imbetween centre and full left.
  • top left - co-producer/costume designer/editing/production designer/director of photo-centre
  • produced/screen play - slightly left
  • Director centre - slightly to the bottom of the screen.

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