Thursday 20 November 2008


Psycho was directed and produced by Alfred Hitchcock and then released into theatres in 1960. It was the first thriller to be shown in theatres, overall people were shocked by it, some people even screamed while watching it, and some people were too afraid to watch it. It was the first film that you had to see from the beginning, and the theatre closed its doors once the film had started. Alfred Hitchcock made the fi in black and white because he thought it would benefit the genre of film. In the opening scene, Janet Leigh (the main actress) is seen as shocking because she is in a bra and underskirt and is having an affair on her lunch break, she also ends up dead later in the film. The audience might associate those things as being bad therefore they may think she deserved what was coming.

  • It starts straight the way with tense/chase music - gives an unsettling effect which is used minipulate the audience.
  • The non-diegetic music also represents the genre and gives an 'eery' feeling.
  • You would expect the star to live through the film and still survive at the end - however the big 'A-list' star gets killed half way through.
  • Names/words are 'cut' up and split - chopped up (slasher movie) split personality of Norman is represented by the lines and words being split and put back together.
  • Starts with a panning shot and location of city - minipulating audience/misleading/play with audience.
  • There are dissolves between shots of the city.
  • Shadows, zooming into window, studio shot.
  • Non-diegetic string music.
  • Dissolved in from titles.
  • Half of city dissolves into another part of the city x2.
  • Zooming in, another dissolve.
  • Dissolves everytime the writing is on the screen.
  • Non-diegetic sound - music, soundtrack.
  • Secretive inside the room, blinds down, dark inside.
  • Panning around the room.
  • Sees two characters, one on bed, both half dressed - very shocking in 1960's - suggests they have been 'up to no good'.
  • The audience had never seen an actress in a bra before.
  • On lunch break, "done the deed".
  • Represented as a "slag".
  • One long take, slow pace, not much editing.
  • Camera pans out, still in the same place.
  • Followig characters movement.
  • Cuts (editing) from one to the other while they are talking.
  • She wants to be respectable, audience is supposed to be on her side, she's going back into work.
  • Left with a look that suggests/shows she's in love.

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