Thursday 13 November 2008

Preliminary Piece

Tuesday 28th October 3rd and 4th lesson Hannah and I started planning and doing a storyboard for our preliminary piece.

Tuesday 4th November 4th lesson Hannah and I started filming our Preliminary Piece. We got under half completed as we ran out of time because we were planning our storyboard 3rd lesson and a bit of 4th.

Tuesday 11th November at the end of 3rd lesson we carried filming. We couldn't start filming at the beginning of 3rd lesson because the av technition (Paul) wasn't there. (For next time we film we need to remember to book the camera). The filming went well and we finished half way through 4th lesson. We then started editing the piece. So far we have put a few clips in order and that's it.

Monday 17th November 5th lesson, we finished sequencing the shots and cutting them so they make sense. We started to look for music on however we had problems registering and will continue with it another time.

Tuesday 18th November 3rd and 4th lesson, I was browsing the free sound website (the registration worked) and found some clips that would go well with our Preliminary Piece. Hannah agreed for us to have them as our non-diegetic sound for our work.

Wednesday 19th November 6th lesson, we downloaded the sounds we wanted to put on our piece, which took quite a long time because it wouldn't work on the mack we were using, so we had to use another mac to download the sounds and then send it to the mac which had our work on. We have nearly finished, we are just adjusting the volume of each of the sounds, both non-diegetic and diegetic to make it affective.

To the left is the first page of the storyboard for the Preliminary exercise Hannah and I were planning on filming together. This is the second storyboard we did because we were originally going to film in a psychology classroom in 16+ and in the 16+ area, however we were unable to so we had to change the venue to the corridor near the canteen and a P.E. classroom. Also originally, Hannah and I were going to be the only people in this piece, but we needed one of us to operate the camera, which is what I did.

To the right is the second page of storyboard, I have realised that we may have missed out a clip in the finished piece, which would explain the jump at about 23 seconds.

This is the last page of the storyboard. We made a script on a seperate piece of paper before we wrote on the storyboard to show what each character was going to say.

Friday 21st November 1st lesson we finished our preliminary piece as seen below:


JamieGoldsworthy said...

Hmmm, i like it althought the bits were the frame swaps from Tom to Hannah and vice versa are a bit sudden and jumpy. Other than tht very good

Berniex said...

Yeh i Really Like It, I Thought It Was Good How You Put The Music With Whats going To Happen :)

Lou Hibberd said...

its good, the music added alot of effect.

Max Slinger said...

I do liek it.. However i dotn think hannahs voice is stern enough, :P

plus i agree with jamie, the frames jump suddenly, think tom does a great job. reminds me off maxie off skins :O

Lucas said...

The swaps between the people were a little quick but apart from that the sound effects were good and so was the music. All fitted in and made it run more smoothly.

Mike said...

Good to see you're using the blog to gather feedback. There is ajump at about 23 seconds, as has been noted in comments, otherwise you meet the criteria for the task well here, and have made a good choice in selection of music.

hannah said...

i think it is a good piece, but with more time and planning the next piece could be better.
We also need to book cameras,to avoid waiting for them.

TomBee :) said...

well done charli
its pretty good
nice choice in music as well adds a pretty good effect
i think you shud have been in it tho not me haha

Marcus said...

i think its cool n i like the music it makes it seem intense

Unknown said...

Hello Charli (:
Told you I'd comment ...
Very good (Y)
Same as Jamie, tad jumpy but all together really good bbe!!!
Well done speak soon

lomaz said...

looking good!