Friday 14 November 2008

The Usual Suspect

The Usual Suspect was released in 1995 and was directed by Bryan Singer. It also had a budget of $6 million which was quite small compared to US films of £24 million.

  • As it begins it puts you into a frame of mind/certain mood - not fast pace - not an action thriller.
  • Intriguing.
  • Slow music (piano, violin) as the camera pans.
  • Actors in alphabetical order.
  • Music, edited by, financial producer, co-producer, executive producer, writer and director.
  • Setting mood.
  • Set the scene - time (last night).
  • Extreme close up - medium close up.
  • Mystery.
  • Who's vision of kaiser soce is it?.
  • not part of confession/statement.
  • gives audience privileged info.
  • Plays with audience - continues all the way through.
  • Low-key lighting (one of the conventions of thrillers).
  • Cut between two characters.
  • Non-diegetic sound of footsteps.
  • Voice disguised so audience is still left in mystery.
  • Killings aren't graffic.
  • Important we don't see killing of Keaten.
  • Leaves open option that Keaten's still alive.
  • Attachment to verbal.
  • Slow motion - unrealistic - dramatic effect.
  • Dissolve into shot of verbal - Americn court - 6 weeks ago - testemony - cut to flash back.
  • Over-lapping sound from shots (non-diegetic then when in shot it's diegetic).
  • Police are faceless - pointing guns in faces.
  • Lack of respect.
  • See criminals faces - more attached to them - feel sorry for them - on their side.
  • Non-diegetic sound (music) goes with each character.
  • Longest on last criminal (Keaten) more important.
  • Cut away shot.
  • Low-angle shot represents detective as important/superior.
  • Slight him angle on crimal - everything collapsing around him.
  • Only one camera.

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