Tuesday 18 November 2008

Silence of the Lambs

In the opening shot to Silence of the Lambs, the sky is a pale, watery colour, and trees are silhouetted against it to contrast. In the bottom right corner there is a type face font which establishes the location. The camera then pans down, a character runs into shot, climbs rope, runs through shot.
In the sequence, there are tracking shots which follow the character in medium shot. There are close up shots, side on, off set in frame. Cut-in shots of feet running, character runs into distance in shots from medium shot to extreme long shot.
There is use of non-diegetic music, violins, string music/instruments, slow, atmospheric, could be mysterious.
The mise-en-scene includes, FBI cap, track suits, uniform (including red tops), suits - white shirts, signs on the walls, grey official-looking building. These all help to show the roles of workers and the type of work they do.
The titles begin with the stars names and end with the director. They are in a black block font with a white outline.
Other key figures in the titles include, Producers/Executive producer, screenplay, director of photography, designer.
Overall the opening scenes of this film establish that Jodie Foster is the leading actor, and her character is the main focus of interest, which suggests the audience is going to be following her journey/story through the film. She is represented as a strong woman in a man's world, well respected by those around her, as well as tough and determined. The opening sequence of shots also suggests that she is an FBI agent and that the job will be relevant to the storyline.

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