Monday 24 November 2008

The Others

The Others was released in 2001 and was directed and written by Alejandro AmenĂ¡bar.
  • Dimension films.
  • Warner Sogefilms.
  • Cruise/wagner productions.
  • Non-diegetic sound of narrator figure who is addressing the audience as if they were about to tell a story - which is exactly what they start to do.
  • There is a cartoon picture of a sunrise in view - looks like the light shone onto this is coming from an oil lamp which is held up to it. The light is flickering and the edges of the screen are darkened - adds mystery.
  • The cartoon looks like a black and white drawing however the oil lamp is giving it a yellow effect.
  • Zooming out to reveal more of the picture.
  • Non-diegetic sound - lead actress - what she is saying links to the pictures and is relevant to the storyline of the film. There is also non-diegetic music which makes the audience feel intrigued.
  • Nicole Kidman's name is shown - lead actress.
  • The focus of the light moves onto a two children/people also in the picture.
  • This then fades to black and the next clip fades in from black.
  • Title - The OTHERS - white - "OTHERS" is in capitals - this emphasises the word and shows it is very important. It also suggests that this will be a re-occurring theme throughout the film (even though it being the title suggests that anyway).
  • In the background to the title there is a staircase and the camera is panning up the stairs. (keeping the theme of the cartoon drawing aswell).
  • There is also a flickering light which is moving up the stairs - it's like the camera is following it - like a ghost.
  • Non-diegetic sound of flute and piano - music score.
  • Other actors/actresses follow.
  • See a girl hiding before light fades - fade to black again for screen transition.
  • Fade in from black - boy playing - still cartoon drawing.
  • The camera pans up diagonally to the left - reveals girl and possibly the nanny then fades to black.
  • Fade in from black - hand holding candle - camera pans down diagonally right to show a key being entered in a lock.
  • Casting/costume design.
  • Fade to black.
  • Non-diegetic sound changes and is now violin/strings and piano.
  • Camera pans up diagonally right - girl pointing with shocked face (audience may wonder what at - mysterious), woman in front of her holding a candle - clip fades to black.
  • Sound/music/Production design.
  • String music - tense/powerful/shocking.
  • Director of photography.
  • Black figure (possibly representing a ghost) reaching out to grab boy - camera pans down diagonally left to reveal this. The boy has a scared face - in pain? - shocking image - non-diegetic music more intense and dramatic.
  • Executive Producers - Fade to black.
  • More executive producers.
  • Hand on puppet strings.
  • Camera pans down the strings and reveals an angel doll (possibly a child) with their head hanging off - like it had been chopped off - suggests death.
  • It also suggests that there may be a controlling mother who leads their child/children to death.
  • Producers - fade to black.
  • Written/Directed by.
  • Cartoon of a house - there is a lake infront of it and the house is in the reflection as well.
  • Dissolves into a 'real' version/clip of the house.
  • Low-key lighting - mist/fog as well.
  • Reflection of house in water suggests there are two different worlds in the same place -opposites. Heaven/Hell. Life/Death.
  • Establishes location and year - not very important - distracts audience.
  • Sharp cut - lead actress screaming - tortured scream.
  • Camera rotates 90 degrees right whilst zooming out.
  • She sits up - catches breath.
  • leaves audience wondering why she was screaming etc. - dissolves into next clip - leaves audience hanging a little.
  • Up to 2:48 minutes of the opening sequence.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Consistently detailed analysis of film openings, strong evidence of the work you have put in.