Friday 14 November 2008

Thriller openings for Duel and Speed.

  • Camera from cars point of view - moving through the city - it dissolves between clips. Diegetic sound of car -engine and the radio.
  • Titles - main actor bottom right, others top left, then more in the centre.
  • Overheard shot - action (car) moves into shot then pans, following it then dissolving. - Shows mystery - want to know where the car is going - looking for road signs etc.
  • Director is last to appear.
  • Cuts into car, point of view shot from passenger side even though no one's there.


  • Pan down of elevator shaft - dark - low-key lighting.
  • Actors/actresses bold stand out - left centre.
  • Wipe up - revealing writing/taking it away.
  • Non-diegetic sound - music - building tension.
  • When title 'speed' comes up, slides in from left to right, quickly, elevator stops, dramatic music when it comes up. Music score - building up tension.
  • Pans down from shaft across room.
  • Action from the start - fast paced - goes with the title speed.

Speed is more successful with trying to capture the audiences attention firstly because of the dramatic, tension building music, and also because of the fast pace of the shots and storyline. Whereas Duel has a slower pace of shots and action in it.

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