Friday 19 March 2010

Music Video - Amanda Kaletsky - Everything Lies

I have uploaded the music video to youtube so we can get some audience feedback from a wider range of people not just people we know. I have uploaded it to youtube as our target audience is the core 15-24 age group who are consistant users of websites such as this.

Here is the link;

Along with youtube I uploaded the music video to bebo as it is one of a few popular social networking sites for the 15-24 age group to go on.

Here is the link;

Unfortunately if you aren't a member of Bebo you can't access the comments on the music video. I have therefore created an account mainly for the use of Mike, the media teacher and any moderators who wish to access these comments.
Once the link has been opened scroll down and click on 'login to view comments' where it will ask you to provide a username and password.
Username: CharlotteL5183
Password: media2010

Facebook is also a very popular site for people ranging from teenagers to people in their middle ages. I have e-mailed a few contacts on facebook with the link to the music video and asked them what they thought. Some of the people couldn't comment through Blogger and the Google accounts so they e-mailed their views back to me on facebook;

  • Laura Hyde 25 March at 22:14:
    "omg ur a really good singer it's really good"
  • Emeline Rosanna Crossley 26 March at 16:47:
    "hey cant comment on you tube but i love the music video. love when yooh run and the lips are moving. that looks really effective and dramatic. i think your in great timing with the music when you mime singing so it looks like your singing . i like when you tap your shoes on the floor its simple are very effective . hope that was what you were looking for i looked at it from a drama perspective."
  • Hannah Kate Charlesworth 26 March at 22:26:
    "Heyyya I forgot my password soo I'll write it on here :) I thought it was really good :) And i really liked the song! The video went really well with the song. And i really got into it."
  • Roshni Patel 29 March at 09:48:
    "Your video and covers are amazing!! Must have taken ages to do, but it's turned out really nice :)"


TomBee :) said...

THATS ME!!!! :D its well good tho :) nice variety of shot timing and types :)
i feel that you best be grateful for all the time i put into this for you :P but i'll be honest, the end product is really good :) i would have thought it was a real video if i wasn't in it :P xx

Lou Hibberd said...

this is well good! there isnt anything i think you could improve on to be honest, its already really good! the best part was when tom was running in through the leysland entrance and you could see 'everything lies' on the sign :) xx

Ejgreengrass said...

it's really good, shot variety is excellent and it has a good pace

joe clarke said...

Fantastic video and cracking song to be fair! Love the storyline to it all and how it the narrative merges with the performance aspect of the video. It has a good shot variety and a good pace to the video that keeps viewers entertained throughout, good job!

Emma said...

It's a really good music video =) it looks really professional and some of the shots and transitions you've used are very well edited =D xx

Steph said...

It's really good! the storyline fits to song really well and it's catchy:)

Alex Curtis said...

I liked it overall. I liked the camera pan in the theatre at 0:37, it was good and it empowered your character, which I guess was the theme of the video. Perhaps if you made more use of that panning, wider shots in the theatre, snapping into a close-up like you did, it'd give more of a sense of scale.

There was lots of good cheesy imagery, the writing on the wall, the flower etc, and I liked the cheese. It's a cheesy song, and you embraced the cheese, with soft focus on the "remembering" bits which worked well, but I thought you could have perhaps upped the cheese, played with it a bit.

The final chorussy bit, with the short shots cutting between singing and people dancing behind the guy were good, built up to a nice final crescendo, and the contrast between the guy sitting with his head in his hands and the people dancing behind him was good.
But yeah, overall I liked it, it had a good Disney feel to it and it looked very professional, with lots of intricate editing ... :) xx

Anonymous said...

Heyy, i really like this! The music suits the story really well, and the song is really catchy..i think the poster looks really good and the poster suits it too. I liked the picture of you lying on the white rug; the rose petals that surround you suggest the lost love, but the rose suggests hope and new love, but i also like the collage becuase it summs up all the emotions of the song and storyline...well done = )Fiona x

Jen said...

tiss good lol she made me watch it i laughed all the way through xx

Larisa Skists said...

This video is amazing!! I love the narrative and think it's perfect for an audience our age. It's amazing how much narrative and shot types you managed to fit into one video. My favourite part was when you froze the shot of you and Tom like you were taking a picture. I don't see how you coould improve anything : D

Larisa Skists said...

Oh and I love the black and white shots of Tom walking with Kelly

Jordan said...

Very good video! Like the lip-syncing it's timed well. The edits get faster at the end for the climax of the song which is effective. Also, I like that yours has a story whereas ours is just Ellis making brekky and walking around ;) The photo effect on some of the shots is good. Very professional and I can't spot any mistakes. In conclusion, good work and Mike should give you an A. You can quote that to him :)

Holly said...

This is so good! It has been really well done. I like the bit where you see the lips really close- really professional :)