Friday 12 March 2010

Audience feedback for the music video

Kelly and I have nearly finished the music video, and we decided to ask people to watch it so far and see whether we need to change anything and what they thought of the pace of the shots etc.
We asked media and non-media students to see what technical aspects we could improve if any and to see if it appealed to people who didn't actually do media.

Non-media student feedback:

  • Ash Hallam - Pace good, don't need to change anything. liked how shots followed each other quickly, song fitted visuals.
  • Matt PW - Agreed with what Ash said & understood what the song and narrative was about and what the message was.
  • Georgie - Liked that the shots switched between lip-syncing and the narrative, the best bit of the music video was when Kelly and Charli were both singing at the end, wouldn't switch it over if it was on a music channel, loved pace.
  • Tarnya - Everythings good, wouldn't switch over if it was on a music channel, loved the pace.
  • Charley Bale - The visuals suit and go with the music and the beat of the music, it's well good, long takes suit slower pace of music in beginning (& slower narrative), shorter takes suit the faster pace of the music towards the end (narrative advances), nothing needs to be changed.

Media student feedback:

  • They all said that the pace was good and shouldn't be changed, they understood the narrative and treated it like a bit of a soap opera, they enjoed watching the shots of the audience as they were quite comical - which was the intention, overall they thought it was really good.

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