Monday 23 November 2009

Risk Assessments

  • Tripping over the tripod can be a hazard so we will have to be careful when walking near it.
  • When filming in the theatre we need to make sure the female singer is in a position where she won't be blinded by the spotlight.
  • When filming the picture burning we will have to be careful about the fumes it will let off so and also we need to be wary about things around us so they don't catch fire. We are going to do this outside because it is safer and there won't be a chance of us causing damage to our surroundings.
  • Whilst filming the male (Tom Bee) pushing female 1 (me) on a swing we have to make sure the camera or the person filming (Kelly) won't get kicked and also we need to make sure I don't fall off.
  • When filming in the outdoors we need to be aware of our surroundings and watch out for any dogs which may run at us or anything/anyone else who may disrupt filming.
  • When the male (Tom Bee) is using the gym equipment he needs to make sure that firstly he knows the correct way to use it and secondly doesn't push himself too hard and injure himself.
  • When running in the field, in a house and up a street we need to make sure there aren't any potential slipping hazards in the 'running pathway' and also we won't run very fast.
  • When holding the rose we will have to make sure we are careful not to prick ourselves on the thorns.
  • Finally when throwing the microphone stand we will have to make sure the microphone isn't still attached to it so it won't get damaged, also we will have to pick it up more or less straight the way so people won't trip over it.

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