Friday 16 October 2009

Practicing Green Screen

You should really watch this video on mute! Mainly because its really repetitive and we forgot to mute the sound in editing.

In the clip below there are examples of 3 different uses of lighting against different backgrounds to see which type of lighting and which colour/texture of the background it will look the best against.

We have repeated the 3 different green screen clips on different backgrounds so the sound will be repetitive and sound a bit muddled but we aren't looking at the sound so it's ok.

We have found that using as much lighting as possible on the main figure when shooting against a green screen and then layering those shots on top of darker backgrounds gives the best effect and won't be as noticeable to an audience if used in this way in mine and Kelly's music video.

Kelly and I have decided to use the green screen technique in the music video. The shot will be of a photo of a boy and the singer and the singer will come to life and start singing. The photo will be in black and white so that any interference when shooting the green screen shots won't be noticeable. However if it is noticeable we will try altering the texture and colour tint of the photo until we get the best results we can.

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