Tuesday 6 October 2009

Summary and Conclusion of research for music video's, digipaks/CD's, and relevant posters

Overall, I found that there were clear links between the digipak/CD covers, music videos and relevant posters of most of the artists I researched. However with 'The Killers' genre of alternative/rock music, the CD cover didn't really link in with either of the music video's for their debut single released from 'Hot Fuss' and there was only one real link between the CD cover and the newspaper advert. On the other hand with 'Mcflys' genre of pop/rock music there were clear links between the digipak, the music video for the debut single released from 'Radio:Active' and the tour poster. This was due to there being a single image presented in or on all three media products along with other, more subtle representations of images. Also with 'The Hoosiers' genre of indie music there were a few links between the CD covers, music video for the debut single released from 'The trick of life' and tour poster. This was due to mainly there being one version of a logo for the band's name which was present in and on all three media products and also there were other images and representations which crossed over the three media products as well.
  • 'The Killers', 'Mcfly' and 'The Hoosiers' all had performance elements in their music video's, this is due to them being a typical 'band' meaning they all have an instrument/instruments they play as part of their performance for example guitars, bass guitars and drums are typical of a band in this sort of genre. It may just be that as one of the conventions of the rock or indie genres they have to show a performance of their band in the music video. This suggests that if I was to choose a song from the rock or indie genres then it would be conventional to have a music video dominated with performance and if I wanted I could incorporate other genres of music video into it for example abstract images.

With the 'Black Eyed Peas' genre of r'n'b/dance music there were very clear links between the CD covers, music video for their debut single from 'The E.N.D' and the tour poster. This was because the same theme had been used in and on all three music videos for example the theme of a computerised world.

  • The 'Black Eyed Peas' had a mostly abstract video which seemed to be dominated by lip-syncing and shots of people dancing (but it's not really classed as performance) this is because the genre of music they are associated with concentrates more on the artist and their vocals rather than them playing an instrument. The shots of people dancing in the music video may just be a convention of the dance genre. This suggests that if I was to choose a song from the dance genre then it would be conventional to have shots of lip-syncing and shots with dancing in them. Also it may help to have an abstract video however it does depend on the meaning of the song and if an abstract video would be appropriate.

With 'Beyoncés' genre of r'n'b/soul music there were very clear links between the CD covers, the music video for her debut single from 'I Am... Sasha Fierce' and a poster advertising the CD. This was due to mainly the mise-en-scene used for the shots and image of each and the edits to alter the colour to a grey tint instead.

  • 'BeyoncĂ©' had a narrative based music video and shots of lip-syncing weren't displayed until it was nearly the end of the song. This gave emphasis to the narrative throughout the song and then at the end the lyrics were the focus of emphasis. This is a unique example of a music video for the r'n'b/soul genre. However it does suggest to me that a narrative is more likely to be used inbetween shots of lip-syncing. So if I was to choose a piece of music which was within the r'n'b/soul genre it would be an idea to use a narrative and lip-syncing in the music video.

With 'Kelly Clarksons' genre of pop/rock vocalist music I looked to see if the music video for the fourth song released from her album still linked in with her CD covers and tour poster. I found that there wasn't really a clear link between the music video and the CD covers/tour poster. However there were still very clear links between the European album cover and the tour poster (which happened to be for somewhere in Europe). This shows to me that the link between a debut singles' music video and other promotional work isn't continued into the singles released after for example the fourth single released.

  • 'Kelly Clarkson' had a narrative based music video where there were shots of lip-syncing between some shots of the narrative. The verses were dominated by the narrative but had some shots of lip-syncing in and the chorus' were dominated by lip-syncing but had some shots of the narrative in it. This suggests that if I were to choose a song from the pop/rock genre and they were a female soloist it may be a good idea to use a mixture of a narrative and lip-syncing in the music video for the song.

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