Wednesday 23 September 2009

Research into the song choice for the music video

  • I have been looking for quite a specific type of sound to the track in which will be the chosen song for the music video. It needs to have female vocals due to Kelly & I being an all female group and one of us will be featured in the music video by lip-syncing. Also it needs to be an upbeat song so we will be able to come up with a variety of shots and have a quick pace to keep an audience interested.
  • First of all I looked up a bit about what Creative Commons was all about instead of jumping straight into looking for music.
    The following quotes were taken from;
    "It was set up to increase the amount of creativity that is available to the public - which will be free and legal."
    "Creative Commons licenses are not an alternative to copyright. They work alongside copyright, so you can modify your copyright terms to best suit your needs."
    Also "Creative Commons defines the spectrum of possibilities between full copyright and the public domain. From all rights reserved to no rights reserved. Our licenses help you keep your copyright while allowing certain uses of your work — a “some rights reserved” copyright."
    - I found this quite interesting as some people are able to still have a copyright on certain aspects of their work.
    Creative Commons do also use the website Jamendo as one of their 'servers' for copyright free music from all over the world. This enables the public to listen to, download and use the music for free. I have browsed and listened to quite a few tracks from the Jamendo server on the Creative Commons website and so far I have't found any which have appealed to me. I have also had difficulty finding many which have females vocals which are in the english language (as we do have to lip-sync and it would be harder if the song was in a different language).
  • I then researched unsigned artists on and browsed a few websites which came up on the results - one of which was: so far I have found one artist which has a song which I will be considering and will need to ask Kelly about. The song is called "Everthing lies" by Amanda Kaletsky which can be heard on the link -
    The artist is unsigned as she is using an unsigned website to promote her music and it looks like her music is copyright free.
  • There are quite a few songs from this artist so I'm undersided on just one yet, the link for the artist (Sarah from Leicester) is I have found a myspace page for this artist so I may try to contact them, however first I will see what Kelly thinks because we could ask Sarah to star in the music video depending on which artist and song we choose. Her music appears to be copyright free also and she is an unsigned artist.
  • Another song to be considered is called "It Kills Me" by Jenna Webb and the link is;

Kelly and I have decided to produce a music video to the song, "Everything Lies" by Amanda Kaletsky.

I have e-mailed her on myspace and hotmail jut to check if it's alright to use her song as our music video however as it stands she hasn't replied yet.

Audience Feedback on the song choice and answers to the questions we asked:

1. What genres of music do you listen to?
2. What genre does the song fall under?
3. What do you think of the song?

  • 1. Pop, R'n'B, Dance 2. Pop 3. Good, it says what most girls are feeling but at the same time it has got a good beat.
  • 1. Pop, R'n'B, Dance, Rock, Pop rock, 80's 2. Pop 3. I think it's good and it has a good storyline already hidden in the lyrics.
  • 1. Indie, drum and base. 2. Pop 3. It's ok, I like the singers voice.
  • 1. Pop, Indie-rock, R'n'B, Indie, Dance 2. Pop 3. I like it, I like the tempo and her voice.

Also my partner Kelly Bailey has taken a slightly different approach into researching people's opinions of the song for our music video. She asked 4 different groups of people to see if there were different views between the two genders and also if there was a difference in view of different ages as well. These are the responses from the 4 groups:

Teenage Females...
"ultimate revenge song love it!"
"Lyrics are good and catchy"
"Like the beat and instruments used"

Teenage Male...
"Artist has a good voice"
"It sounds to manufactured and generic,i weren't to keen but good for doing a narrative and music video too"
"Sexiest song to males but its catchy"

Middle-aged Woman ...
"Softness of music, lyrics and voice are lovely"
"Can visualise somebody, easy to relate to the song"
"A good beat in the background"

Middle-aged Male ...
"Good beat and voice, lyrics are good"
"Not enough musical instruments"
"Sings at one tone, tend to switch of"
"Same beat throughout the song no backing vocals"

In conclusion, both groups of females of different ages all gave positive feedback for the song however within the two male groups there were a few negative comments which suggests that the song will appeal more to women than to men, which meas we will take this into consideration when planning and making the music video, digipak and posters.

Also I found from my research that mostly people who listen to the "pop" genre of music generally liked the song. We figured that the song is a "pop" song and so did the people we asked. This suggests we will have to make a music video, digipak and poster which will appeal mostly to "pop" music fans.

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