Thursday 9 July 2009

Music Video - Candie Payne - I Wish I could have loved you more

I have uploaded the preliminary music video to youtube on a close friends account so we can get some audience feedback from a wider range of people not just people we know. I have uploaded it to youtube as our target audience is the core 15-24 age group who are consistant users of websites such as this. Here is the link;

Along with youtube I uploaded the music video to bebo as it is one of a few popular websites for the 15-24 age group to go on. Here is the link;

Unfortunately if you aren't a member of Bebo you can't access the comments on the music video. I have therefore created an account mainly for the use of Mike, the media teacher and any moderators who wish to access these comments.

Once the link has been opened scroll down and click on 'login to view comments' where it will ask you to provide a username and password.

Username: CharlotteL5183

Password: media2010

Facebook is also a very popular site for people ranging from teenagers to people in their middle ages. I have e-mailed a few contacts on facebook with the link to the music video and asked them what they thought. Some of the people couldn't comment through Blogger and the Google accounts so they e-mailed their views back to me on facebook;

From Luke Donovan on a facebook e-mail;

'Great video, links in with the music well and the effects that were used were good also. Good ideas were used like with the fire burning the paper and so on.'

From David Preston on Facebook chat;

'I think its reali good, I think the different angles and effects made the song work. I like how the black and white shows the audience how things used to be, and how the colour shows how things are now.'

From Jade Chenery on a facebook e-mail;

'I like how it was mysterious how at the beginning you didn't see the girls face.I also liked the flashbacks & how they scenes went from black & white to colour.The 'i love you' on the paper was done well as it came up every now & again & i liked the effect of it being burnt towards the end.A really good video for a not so good song.'

From Charley Bale on a facebook e-mail;

'I Love the video the different effects really workd well with the mood of the song.. The black and white effect works well and i always love a story behind a song.'

From Amy Potts on a facebook e-mail;

'The two different times don't get confused either through the use of black & white and colour which is good. I liked it :)'


Max Slinger said...

To be honest, the song is not the greatest, but you have done an excellant job of creating an interesting music video which gets the viewer engaged and makes them want to keep watching. The black and white scenes which show the past and how things used to be also reflect well with the scenes showing the singing.

Lou Hibberd said...

I agree with max, the song wasnt the greatest but the different effects used in the video deffo keeps people interested, i like the way the black and white scenes show the past. overall good video :)

Beckah Smith said...

I agree too, but I think the different angles and shots that filmed Kelly keeps the viewer wanting to watch and the black and white lighting is very elegant :)