Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Mentality.

This is the finished product of mine and Hannah's thriller opening. We are also going to try and put this on myspace, facebook and youtube to try and get a wider range of audience feedback.

Here are some comments made from people who were unable to sign up to blogger but have wrote down to me on msn what they thought;

L u c a s says:
I thought it was really good, the editing was done really well and the timing was spot on also. The bloody knife and the singing kids added effect and makes you wanna watch more ! ! ! lol :P.
x x x x x x x

M a r k says:
i liked it, i liked the roundabout bit and also the clock :P the music was good towards the clip it adds the tension to it =D

LEWIS:D LJM* says:
i guess its ok =]

;)(*)Mark(8)(*) says:
looks well gd


Lou Hibberd said...

I thought it was really good, the music really added tension to it reminded me of the ring a bit and I thought it was really good when somebody just appeared unexpectedly because it made it look quite scary, and when you played the sound of children singing when it was filming the roundabout made it seem really spooky.
From Lou

Dia Cullen said...

I loved it! a lot of thought and hard work was obviously put into this and it looked really professional, i would deffinately watch this if it was a real movie. the sound effects helped alot as is added suspense. i thought it was so good that i had to watch it again :)
From Dia

helena said...

very very good! i would be very intrigued to watch the film. looks quite spooky though! i like the beginning and the clock spinning round, tis really good. the bloody dagger's scary and so is the singing children because it worries me when children are involved. The timing is spot on, especially the eyes opening with the loud dong sound. the title is really good the way you have made the letters from sticks. i would definitely go and see this movie!
from Helena.
ps i like the blond wig.

Max Slinger said...

quality intro! I like the slow/fast motion bits adds extra effect!

I like the flash to the church! Rather spooky may I add!

I agree with lou, the kinda talking sound effect makes me think of the ring aswell! Classic thriller soundtrack!

It looks good!

I think you should make the whole film!

Charley Bale said...

I thought that this is like reeallii good babz ")
music was a good effect
i dnt reli like horror/thriller films as it is lmao so i dnt think ill watch anymore:P:D
but yeah babz its relii good efects with videoing and the music in back ground ")
Love Charley Bale xx

Berniex said...

I Thought That Was Really Quite Scary I Liked The Music That Went With Some Of The Scenes Aswell.
I Liked It :)
x x x

David Preston said...

wow, charli thts a proper good trailer :o
way better than owt i can do lmao ;)
realli good affects n tht, proper professional lol

tht girl singin, creepy stuf lol
goood editin too btw
got an editor in the makinme thinkz
wud b good if there were an actually film of it ;)
luv David :)

Hannah said...

I thought it was really good. The music added tension to the whole scene. I really liked the bit in the park where there was the girl in different parts of the park. It freaked me out a bit lol. If your makin it into a film then it will prob turn out really really well I'd defo watch it :)

jake ridgewell said...

it was excellent, better than i expected it to be, well done x

danno1407 said...

thats actually really good
the music you chose was really effective and went with each scene really well
i also thought that it left a lot of questions unanswered which would make me want to go and watch it
well done :)
from dan x

Anonymous said...

The musics really good and adds to the effect of the trailer. Also, the roundabout scene with the children's song is really creepy and makes you wonder what is coming next - it makes you feel scared in advance tbh. the cuts are good, as they add a more creepy atmosphere than if it was an on-going, long piece. [: xx

Lucy said...

OH MY GOODNESS! This is a very good opening! it actually made me check over my shoulder to see if someone was there! I thought the music was a great choice, and i liked how it emphasised what was happening on screen perfectly, creating a really freaky atmosphere-especially the bit on the roundabout. I also liked the round about bit because of the skillfull camera work with the girl flickering on and off! I really enjoyed watching it!
From Lucy