Wednesday 25 February 2009

The Mentality.

This is the finished product of mine and Hannah's thriller opening. We are also going to try and put this on myspace, facebook and youtube to try and get a wider range of audience feedback.

Here are some comments made from people who were unable to sign up to blogger but have wrote down to me on msn what they thought;

L u c a s says:
I thought it was really good, the editing was done really well and the timing was spot on also. The bloody knife and the singing kids added effect and makes you wanna watch more ! ! ! lol :P.
x x x x x x x

M a r k says:
i liked it, i liked the roundabout bit and also the clock :P the music was good towards the clip it adds the tension to it =D

LEWIS:D LJM* says:
i guess its ok =]

;)(*)Mark(8)(*) says:
looks well gd