Friday 5 December 2008

Risk Assessment for main production

  • Tripping over the tripod - be careful when walking near it.
  • Using the camera near running water - not take the camera too close to the water (so it won't get splashed).
  • Tripping over in the woods when it's dark - make sure we are aware of surroundings and be careful when moving around.
  • Using the camera near the road - we need to watch where we are going so we don't end up going off the path by accident.
  • Knife in a shot - be extra careful when handling the knife and make sure no one steps on it when it's on the floor.
  • Using the camera while riding a bike - make sure we are familiar with the surroundings we will be riding in, be careful whilst riding the back and make sure we don't drop the camera.
  • Actress standing in a shower (may slip) - put down a mat to prevent slipping.
  • Getting hit by the swings whilst they are swinging - stand away from them to make sure they wouldn't hit us.
  • May run into people in the dark - be careful and stay aware of surroundings.
  • Hitting people, the camera, or the window whilst throwing objects out of the wardrobe - make sure they aim where they will throw the objects and practice it before using the camera.
  • Dogs chasing after us in Balskell Park - make sure there aren't any dogs close by before we film.


Mike said...

You have thought through the potential hazards here and have also shown that you are aware of how to take steps to deal with risks. I'm still concerned about the filming on a bike. Can you reassure me about that one?

Charli :) said...

Hannah and I decided we wouldn't use the bike for filming, so you don't need to worry about that one.