Thursday 25 September 2008

I walked with a Zombie;

Below is the trailer for a thriller film called I walked with a zombie.

I walked with a Zombie was produced by Val Lewton and was directed by Jacques Tourneur.
RKO studios.
The genre; Horror / Thriller.

There are several clips from the film which are shown in this trailer, which give you a feel for what to expect from the film.
Low-key lighting is used throughout the film, it creates shadows in certain places which creates a tense atmosphere, and it makes it seem like something dark will happen in the film because of the dark lighting.

The first shot that is edited into the trailer is of the voodoo man carrying the dying woman, and the words 'These are the living dead' appears on the screen, the scene illustrates these words. Non-diegetic sound of dramatic music, builds up tension, makes it seem like something bad is going to happen.

The shadow of the man looks like a ghost on the wall, symbolises living after death (after life), creates a creepy/eery atmosphere.

Cuts to next shot taken from the film. Betsy rushing through the crops, stumbles on a black tribal man (voodoo), scary looking, non-diegetic music (string music) creates an eery/dramatic effect. Cuts from Betsy;s shocked face to the voodoo man who is freaky looking, eyes popping out, suggesting he is zombie like, he also looks like a tribal statue. The crops in the background look like spikes - some (behind him) look like they are coming out of him, suggests he might be under control by the voodoo priest and it represents a voodoo doll.

A quick clip of Betsy and the ill woman walking through the night - elements of mystery, she;s wearing a flowing dress which is ghost like, she looks like she is floating, in a trance, which suggests the zombie.

Next shot: tribal gathering, ritual, dancing, drum rhythm (diegetic sound).

Screen transitions - split vertically out and then in (between clips)

Non-diegetic music builds up, tension also builds up.

long-shot then cut to medium close up of Betsy - worried expression on her face 0 like she has seen a ghost.

cut to long-shot of both - music building up further. The woman looks like she is 'floating' the white dress suggests she is ghost like, it represents heaven in a way. She's in a trance (suggesting zombie), backs Betsy up into a wall, intimidating.
Betsy seems to be uncomfortable, (over the shoulder shot) she screams then runs.

Next shot: over the shoulder shots of Betsy and the black woman talking
Diegetic sound - drum beat, tribal music/singing - it is a theme for the film, constant running through.

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